The river beaver is considered the largest rodent in Belarus. Hunting it is valued for obtaining valuable trophies; in particular, furs. Stuffed animals are often made from the extracted animals. The average weight of a rodent is about 20-25 kg with a body length of 70-80 cm (to this should be added the length of the tail of 25-30 cm). Beaver hunting in Belarus can be organized by the company "DERHUNT". We take into account the mandatory compliance with all requirements, deadlines; we are engaged in the selection of comfortable housing and high-quality food.
A frequent representative of the local fauna
As a result of active hunting, the number of river beavers in Belarus sharply decreased in the middle of the XX century. Timely measures taken have allowed the restoration of numerous rodent habitats. There are quite a lot of them in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The main favorite places are swampy and river backwaters near high banks with abundant germination of deciduous trees.
The rules of beaver hunting in Belarus are indicated by the following provisions:
- hunting is allowed from September 1 to March 31;
- acceptable hunting methods: rifle with an approach and from an ambush and unarmed;
- from firearms, a hunting rifled rifle with a muzzle energy of more than 1500 joules is used, as well as a smooth-bore rifle equipped with buckshot or a bullet;
- the main weapon – firearms (alternative-bow and crossbow).
Beaver hunting in Belarus: hunting tour
Our task is to organize a tour on a professional basis: from obtaining the necessary permits to solving all related issues. You can order an individual hunt using the button below.